Posted By: Boston Pads June 2, 2017 Comments No Comments
Like the real estate market in Boston, the parking rental market has its own set of norms, rules, and vocabulary. For newcomers, it can be a bit confusing to navigate this world without a primer on the lingo. Check out this quick glossary of terms related to buying, renting, and selling Boston parking spaces.
Posted By: Boston Pads April 24, 2017 Comments No Comments
So, we have all had this happen to us at least once…you are running uber late for work, run out to the car, or so you think…and it’s not there! You have been parking in the same space for months and hadn’t realized the time has come. It’s day street cleaning season. After calling out of work, finding your vehicle in the city Tow Lot, paying the towing fee and paying a hefty parking ticket, you have spent at least $200. This $200 lesson could have totally been avoided if you had just read the sign!